Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 1st

Why do you wrestle?  Why do you choose to sacrifice time with friends and family, a lazy Sunday morning in bed, and delicious deserts for a sport?  The prize money and notoriety (the two don't really exist in women's wrestling) are results of your action.  Those aren't what drive you.  So tell me why do you wrestle?  Look deeper.  When the sacrifice becomes so great or that confidence is rattled, what gets you through it?  What is the source of that passion, tenacity, and inspiration?  The world team members were asked to write their own reasons... Here are a few:

I wrestle for a lot of reasons.  I fell in love with the sport because it was the most uncomfortable thing I ever tried. And I wants to figure out why it pushed so many of my buttons. Wrestling was a way to develop myself as a person. Is highlights all your flaws physically and mentally. I thought after high school I was gonna be done with this sport and move on but I got a chance to move to the training center. From that moment on wrestling was an opportunity to make something of myself, with my life and help my family in the future. This sport has opened so many doors in life for me and to myself.  It allows me to live the life I want. I travel the world, work on myself and personal development and get paid for it. Since I don't have real bills it allows me to take care of my family. I have been able to buy a house for my mom.... help my family see at least a bit of the world and use my connections to get them jobs and internships. The better i get the better they get. Wrestling doesnt come without hardships but the positive gains I get outweigh any negative. When the going gets tough for me I think of all these things. That my success is not only about me. And it doesn't matter how I feel. I inspire my family, friends and people around me. One of my sisters told me that she never though I would go this far in life so far... and it wasn't ment to be mean. I started becoming a troubled kid in high school and resented rules. I'm surprised as well... well maybe not any more....so for her she thinks if I can do it and get my shit together so can she. I know in our family we all push each other. My younger siblings compare themselves to me. I would never give up... so they won't either.... in whatever aspect that would be in life. Also when you are in a hard situation in a match I think about how I respect myself and what I do. I've worked to hard to just give up and not try. To much money had been put into me and other coaches and people investing time into me. If I just give up its a slap in the face to everyone and myself. Its one thing to lose but its another thing to give up... I would never live that down within myself.  My story in life and wrestling is something bigger... bigger than me.    

I wrestle for many reasons. A few of them being that I can't picture life without it and I wouldn't want to. I wrestle for the thrill and because I'm addicted to the competition aspect of it. There are so many ups and downs with wrestling, but there's no better feeling than competing to win. I wrestle not only for myself, but for the hours my parents spent when I was growing up taking me every weekend to tournaments all over. I wrestle to make them proud because I know they love to see me succeed as much as I do. I wrestle because I love to win and therefore I like the process put in to winning. 

Why do I wrestle? I found myself thinking about this question for a long time after it was asked. It's clearly not a yes or no answer, but there's more behind the reason than just love. Truthfully, sometimes I don't always love the sport or the grind. I wrestle because I've put everything into this sport, to stop, or not give it my all would be an injustice to myself, my family, and my coaches. I continually push myself day in and day out because I have an itch for more. Climbing the ladder of success is fun, but stumbling, that is were I truly learn. I believe I can learn from every single experience on the mat. So that is why I do it, because I want more, I want better for myself. Even when I fall, I know that the next step is getting back. So that, in a short summary is why I wrestle. 

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